70th Anniversary of Victory in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japan << Back to Issue Plan 2015
70th Anniversary of Victory in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japan
Ao Kuan Kin

Detail information of stamp issue

Set of Stamps

Issue Quantity: 500,000; CTT Macao Code: S188; UPU/WADP code: MO034.15-MO035.15

A set of 2 stamps with face value at 2.00 and 5.50 patacas (MOP)

Technical Data


A set of 2 sheets, 50 stamps per sheet


First Day Cover with Stamps

CTT Macao Code: ENA191;

Size: 114 x 162 mm (C6)

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Information Brochure with Stamps

CTT Macao Code: PGL195;

Size: 297 x 210 mm

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